SGPsychStud: Importance of practicum/work experience/internship

In your early years of psychology training, all you probably would be doing is studying theories and textbooks, writing essays and reporting, understanding how psychological research is done, and analysing SPSS reports, and other things, which are more towards the "scientist" (or researcher) side of the scientist-practitioner model. Rarely or little chance you will be doing more of the practitioner side, unless you take up counselling modules or doing a practicum/work or job attachment/internship (if it is offered in your program).

But why is it important?
If you are studying psychology to become a psychologist/counsellor, then you will need to get real experience from doing the real job. Unless you are planning to study psychology to do psychological research, then that would be a different case.
Before you read any further, please read this post on what you are going to study in psychology. Note that the things you study in your program was "is to build up your knowledge for the "practitioner" part", but they were not mentioned to  build up your experience?

All the theories learnt would forever be theories that you have learnt, but not something to be applied, if they were not being experienced before. With real experience, you will see the theories becoming true and knowledge that you have learnt to become applicable. Things will start to make sense from a psychological point of view. 
Probably now for you, they still would not as you are still in your learning stages. But with experience and knowledge, you will then become a "real" and competent psychologist.
